
Home Care Education Booklet

UX&UI Project for CCHMC|Live Well Collaborative Project|2016 Summer



Cardiac Home Care Education Booklet Design

UI&UX Design Project / 2016 Summer  My Role: UX Designer, Researcher & Visual Designer

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a complex life-long illness. Children with CHD may have significant co-existing conditions that further complicate their care and require special consideration. Parents of children with CHD need to understand this complex condition, its treatment, and how to best manage their child’s recovery and ongoing healthcare needs at home. Parents may have difficulty understanding health information required to care for their child at home due to multiple factors.

So this project develops a formal, structured home care education program for parents of children with CHD and their healthcare team. This proposal would begin at the child/parents first introduction to the CCHMC HI and continue through ongoing outpatient follow-up.


Research Methodologies.            ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


•  Benchmarking


1. Right information at the right time

Education exists for different reasons and this affects the medium. A hands-on demonstration is effective for learning a skill while a website is useful for learning factual information.

3. Medium and timing are related.

Hands-on demonstrations and face-to-face education are important but difficult to replicate. Supplemental resources should be paired with demonstrations to provide this information in a secondary method.

2. Information should be concise and easy to find.

Because websites hold a vast amount of information, it should be easy to navigate. People do not want to spend a long time searching for information.

4. General and specific information  should be balanced.

Many websites have an option to “learn more” about the referenced content.This provides the opportunity to give more in-depth information for those who need it without overwhelming those who do not.



•  Interviews

The LWC team conducted interviews with a variety of clinicians and families to better understand the current state of communication and education, as well as identify the ideal situation for both stakeholders.


1. Questions & Card Sorting

The LWC utilized the interview questions provided by the Heart Institute team and added in an interactive component. Participants were asked to organize information on cards and work collectively to develop their ideal education system.

2. Prioritizing Information

After selecting their ideal education materials, participants worked together to select the content for the new system. The LWC team provided cards to sort and also gave participants to write in any information they thought was missing.



•  Journey Map

As part of synthesizing the research collected, the LWC team created stories of two different families going through the CCHMC’s Heat Institute.The scenarios are based on the two different families treatment process mapping that the clinicians and families completed during their interviews.


Ideation Methodologies.              –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 

 After research, the team focus on the two direction: a print booklet and and a digital application. So we conducted few plans for the next step, so we decided to design the booklet first.


• Co-Creation Prototyping

The LWC team conducted one interaction session with clinicians and another with parents.The majority of the time was focused on the discussion around 4 prototypes — what elements were working, what elements did not work, and how the content should be represented.


What we tested: Size, Binding style, organizational, paragraph style, color, images & icons.



• Questionnaire


            1.  Structure

         Size | Binding style | Navigation      

 2. Information Presentation

 Bullets | Paragraphs | Illustrations

3.  Design Preference

Color | Images | Icons


• Image & Icon Testing


Refined Prototypes            ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

So the LWC team conducted to finalize the design.  The final focus group contained three main elements: choosing the design language, finalizing the content, and discussing challenges of implementation.



Final Delivery                     ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

So the LWC team focus on the print booklet to do the few rounds of co-creation prototyping. While the clinicians drove implementation, parents focused on the design.The team refined elements of the design to create the final version of the tool.

•  Visual Identity

•  Visual Layout

•  Final Illustrations

•  Visual Pathway

•  Key Elements
